
New Federation House, now in its third decade of operation, is a non-profit organization dedicated to public education and is pleased to welcome you to our web site featuring biographies of Canadian Indigenous leaders. The site is a work-in-progress and with your help we hope it will become a treasured resource for people in Canada and around the world. The selection process we used to create this web site and the published volume that it accompanies reflects individual Nations, past generations and the country’s vast regions.
We benefited from the wise counsel of a Native Advisory Committee and wish to convey our deepest appreciation to each member.


Many Native leaders have distinguished themselves in the history of Canada since Confederation; this site does not include them all but with your help we hope to expand our coverage to include as many individuals as possible in our profiles. We hope that visitors to the site will want to join us in expanding the contents of the site by communicating with us and giving us feedback and suggestions for additional biographies.




This site accompanies a book of the same title that contains original biographies of Canadian Indigenous leaders

Indigenous Leaders of Canada cover
Cliquez ici pour la version française de cette page

This section gives you access to short biographies of many Native leaders chronologicaly, regionally, by topic, and by peoples


Second edition published on tenth anniversary of the original

With the new title, Indigenous Leaders of Canada, the second edition of what was originally Native Leaders of Canada was published in 2019 to mark its 10th anniversary.

Launch of the French Version a Hit with Montrealers

The Montreal launch of Chefs Autochtones du Canada (1ière édition) took place on May 28, 2009 at the beautiful McCord Museum of Canadian History. Guests were greeted by Publisher Jean Chevrier and an invocation by Chief Andrew Delisle; joining us for the festivities was Ghislain Picard, Regional Chief for Quebec and Labrador of the Assembly of First Nations, who graced us with a powerful speech in Innu, French and English.
Click here for photos from the Montreal event.

Ottawa Book Launch a Great Success Despite the Weather

The Ottawa launch of Native Leaders of Canada (1st edition) took place on December 9, 2008 during the first major snow storm of the winter. Guests were greeted by a prayer by Elder Mary Lou Lahtail and welcoming comments from publisher, Jean Chevrier; we were joined by Phil Fontaine, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, whose kind words were greatly appreciated.
Click here for photos from the Ottawa event.

Western Book Launch
Surpasses Expectations

The Western launch of Native Leaders of Canada (1st edition) took place on November 26, 2008 in Vancouver. Guests were greeted by an invocation from Elder Rose Point and a welcoming address from Chief Shawn Atleo, BC Regional Chief of the Assembly of First Nations.
Click here for photos from the Vancouver event.




Pauline Johnson Crowfoot Sheila Watt-Cloutier

Pauline Johnson Crowfoot Harry Daniels Sheila Watt-Cloutier