New Federation House is a non-profit corporation and a registered charity dedicated to public education on political, social and economic issues. Our mission is to publish original and insightful materials in print and digital formats, and to promote an appreciation of the concept of leadership. Our vision is that Canadians and members of the international community will better understand the importance of leadership in today's world.
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Humanity, Freedom, Peace, Prosperity
A Canadian Perspective

An overview of the great leaders, both men and women who, in every era, fought for a better world and succeeded in transforming adversity into opportunities for revival and growth. Our goal is to pay them tribute in the hope that they may serve as an inspiration to the leaders of today and tomorrow.
World leaders, from ancient times to the present day, to be included in this book will be chosen on the basis of their ability to promote socio-political objectives such as reconciliation, equality, justice, human rights and peace.
Under the direction of Jacques G. Ruelland, PhD
Click here for a PDF with more information on the book
Saving the Planet: The Leading Environmentalists

Denis L. Daigneault, Jean Chevrier,
Jeanne Poulin, and
Gerald C. Gummersell, Editors
ISBN 978-1-987832-38-9
$29.95 (taxes included)
Saving the Planet is the first in a new series of books on international leaders, in English and French. This series continues the successful format of the Canadian Leadership Collection, which has proven popular among students, academics, the media and the public.
Click here for more information on Saving the Planet
Click here to view photos from the book launch at the Chateau Ramezay
on October 12, 2023.
The Prime Ministers of Canada
(6th edition)

Jean Chevrier, Denis L. Daigneault,
Jeanne Poulin, and
Gerald C. Gummersell, Editors
ISBN 978-1-987832-32-7
$29.95 (taxes included)
The first in our series of books on Canadian leaders, The Prime Ministers of Canada was published in 2002 and sold over 10,000 copies across the country. The sixth edition will be released in May 2022.
Click here for more information on The Prime Ministers of Canada
New Federation House is grateful for the sponsorship and support of

CPAC - the Cable Public Affairs Channel
Indigenous Leaders of Canada
(3rd edition)

Denis L. Daigneault, Jean Chevrier,
Jeanne Poulin and Gerald C. Gummersell, Editors
ISBN 978-1-987832-35-8
$29.95 (taxes included)
This updated and expanded collection of original biographies profiles Canadian Indigenous leaders whose accomplishments made possible the survival of their people and culture in the modern era. The third edition will be released in June 2022.
Click here for more information on Indigenous Leaders of Canada
A complementary web site has been created which includes a more complete listing of Aboriginal leaders.
Click here to visit the Indigenous Leaders of Canada website
New Federation House is grateful for the sponsorship and support of
The Crooked Path: Colonization to Decolonization

by Brian Hawker
ISBN 978-1-987832-28-0
Comprehensive in scope and enlivened with personal anecdotes, The Crooked Path brings together observations and insights from Brian Hawker’s two decades as an educator in Northwestern Ontario. Within his first year, he realized that his training program could not realistically achieve its goals. He was training people who, with few exceptions, brought complex personal issues and health-related problems to the classroom. Like many non-Indigenous specialists working in the North, Brian became aware that the sheer number of problems, the jurisdictional wrangling over who was responsible for solving them and the history of past failures was almost overwhelming. In the process, he realized he had been totally unprepared for the work he had been asked to do. This is the book he would have needed and that other professionals will find uniquely valuable.
Click here for more information on The Crooked Path: Colonization to Decolonization
The Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of Canada
(2nd edition)

Denis L. Daigneault, Jean Chevrier
and Gerald C. Gummersell, Editors
ISBN 978-1-987832-21-1
$29.95 (taxes included)
This volume on the Chief Justices examines their lives and career paths, the challenges they faced, and the historic decisions rendered on major public issues.
Click here for more information on The Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of Canada
New Federation House is grateful for the sponsorship and support of
CPAC - La Chaîne d'affaires publiques par câble |
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP - Business Law |
Supreme Advocacy LLP - Supreme Court of Canada Agents |
Les Juges en Chef de la Cour d'appel du Québec

Jean Chevrier, Raoul P. Barbe, and
Michel Morin, Editors
ISBN 978-1-987832-27-3
$29.95 (taxes included)
A summary of the life and the career of each of the twenty-one chief justices of Quebec. (In French only)
Click here for more information (in French) on Les Juges en Chef de la Cour d'appel du Québec
New Federation House is grateful for the sponsorship and support of
The Quebec Bar Foundation |
The Chamber of Notaries of Quebec |
Le Ministère de la justice du Québec |
The Governors of the Bank of Canada
From Graham Towers to Stephen S. Poloz

Jean Chevrier, Gerald C. Gummersell and
Denis L. Daigneaul, Editors
ISBN 978-1-987832-16-7
$29.95 (taxes included)
The book explores the achievements, influence and legacy of these Canadian leaders. Noted economic authors have written these biographical and historical essays, which are accompanied by key archival images.
Click here for more information on The Governors of the Bank of Canada
Les Maires de Montréal (Second edition)
From Jacques Viger toValerie Plante
(in French)

Jacques G. Ruelland, Editor
ISBN 978-1-987832-24-2
$29.95 (taxes included)
New Federation House is grateful for the sponsorship and support of J. V. Raymond Cyr, OC, Former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, BCE and Bell Canada,
BMO Banque de Montréal, CN, Finance Montréal, Groupe Banque TD, Montréal International
Les Premiers Ministres du Québec
(in French)

Jean Chevrier, Jacques G. Ruelland
and Jeanne Poulin, Editors
ISBN 978-1987832-00-6
$29.95 (taxes included)
Click here for more information on Les Premiers Ministres du Québec
The Premiers of Ontario
From John Sandfield Macdonald to Kathleen Wynne

Jean Chevrier, Denis Daigneault and
Gerald Gummersell, Editors
ISBN 978-1-987832-14-3
$29.95 (taxes included)
Click here for more information on The Premiers of Ontario |
New Federation Magazine - 1988-2002

New Federation House published new federation magazine,
an independent Canadian magazine of socio-political and socio-economic commentary,
from 1988 to 2002; access to some of the contents of past issues may
be found by clicking here. |
Musée LaFontaine Museum

Click here here or on the image to download a document (in French) on this project. |
Our mission and vision
Our mission is to publish original and insightful materials in print and digital formats, and to promote an appreciation of the concept of leadership.
Our vision is that Canadians and members of the international community will better understand the importance of leadership in today's world.
Our goals
To publish books on Canadian political leaders – unique collections of historical essays featuring political leaders who have influenced the course of events at the federal and provincial levels in Canada.
To publish books on the world’s great political leaders – history is rich in leaders from several eras and many continents who have ignited the collective imagination.
To create a World Leadership Museum in Montreal – an international museum and school of leadership to foster a deeper understanding of the critical role of political leadership in contemporary society.
Canadian Registered Charitable number: 119247021 RR0001